Apply for an Early Years Expansion Grant or Wraparound Childcare Capital Grant

Before you start

You will need to provide the following information with your application, so please have these details to hand:

  • Ofsted URN, ISI or name of Childminder Agency
  • Business rates reference number
  • VAT number, where relevant
  • Companies House details, where relevant
  • copy of a current insurance certificate
  • business plan
  • current and previous years accounts
  • cashflow forecasts for three years
  • three itemised quotes from reputable building firms, signed and on headed paper
Which grant are you applying for?

Business and contact details for the childcare setting applying for the grant
Landline numbers must include an area code
(e.g., limited company sole trader)
Business address

Use the Lookup Postcode button to find the address.

If you cannot find the address, please enter it manually

Details of new places you want to create

Type and number of new places in each category you want to create.

If this category is not applicable, please input 0 in the field
If this category is not applicable, please input 0 in the field

When will work start and end if your application is successful?

Please supply itemised cost of works To add another item, click 'Add item'

Add item

Evidence uploads

Please upload the following items

This must be a copy of a current insurance certificate
This must include evidence of demand for places
This will be 3 years' worth so please attach 3 attachments one for each year
Suitable alternatives such as cashflow forecasts from your accountant or a letter from a guarantor will be accepted. For accounts this is 2 years’ worth so please add two attachments one for each year.
To add multiple files, hold 'Ctrl' (Windows) or 'Cmd' (Mac) and select each file to be added

You must agree to all of the above in order to submit your application.

Subsidy Control

Before you submit this form please review your answers below. If you need to change anything, use the 'previous' button on the bottom left to go back to a section. Then submit the form by selecting the 'Submit button' at the bottom of this page