Domestic Abuse Support within Safe Accommodation Small Grants Programme

Confirm eligibility
You must confirm that all of the following are true for your organisation in order to be eligible for this funding

You must also confirm the following are true for your organisation

Sorry, based on the answers you have given above, your organisation is not eligible for this funding.

Your organisation
Registered office address If your address is outside Liverpool, click "please enter it manually" and then enter your address and postcode.

Use the Lookup Postcode button to find the address.

If you cannot find the address, please enter it manually

(if applicable)
(if applicable)
Declaration of Interest Provide details of any Liverpool City Council (LCC) employee or councillor who undertakes an official role or has a financial interest in your organisation.

Add declaration of interest

Project details
Funding requested
Will the total cost of this project be funded by the Domestic Abuse Support within Safe Accommodation Small Grants?

Please tell us how you plan to fund the remaining cost of the project, including details of other funders, and include any sources of income. Be as specific as possible, for example "LCC Community Resource Grant" or "Rental income". You can include expected sources of funding and/or income, but you must make this clear in the table. (To add another item, click 'Add')

Add funding stream or source of income

Please provide a proposed budget for your project below and indicate the amount requested from the Domestic Abuse Support within Safe Accommodation Small Grants Programme. To add details of another funding item, click 'Add item'.

Add item

Project overview
Your answer must demonstrate how your project is within the remit of ‘domestic abuse support within relevant safe accommodation’ as per the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 - Part 4. Your answer must also demonstrate how your project will meet the ambitions within Liverpool’s Safe Accommodation Strategy. Please refer to grant specification document for detail and further information. (Max. 750 words)
The outcomes are the achievements and the end results of your activity, not just the number of people you work with. (Max. 500 words)
Experience and skills
(Max. 500 words)
Equality and Inclusion
Refer to the Grant Specification Document for the definition of specialist support (include if your service is ‘by and for’). (Max. 500 words)
Assessment and Reporting
You will be required to complete a monitoring and beneficiary form on delivery of the project, if successful (Max. 500 words)
Social Value
(maximum 500 words)
Carbon Footprint
(maximum 500 words)


Where applicable, please confirm that your organisation has the following in place - optional (Do not submit these documents)


Will you also manage the grant if this application is successful?

Before you submit this form please review your answers below. If you need to change anything, use the 'previous' button on the bottom left to go back to a section. Then submit the form by selecting the 'Submit button' at the bottom of this page