Homeless referral - self referral


About your current circumstances

We may ask you for evidence that supports this application, and it will speed things up if you upload it before you submit this form.

If you can't find all the evidence we ask for, please continue with the application, you will be able to upload additional evidence later.

Please select any circumstances that apply to you or your household from the list below

If none apply, choose 'You do not meet any of this criteria.' You may be expected to provide evidence for the criteria you choose.

Do you currently have a social worker?
Have you been in care?
Have you told Children’s Social Services that you are homeless?

If you are fleeing domestic abuse or fear of domestic abuse, we will need to see evidence to support this claim, such as a crime reference number or police report,any proof of ongoing support, proof of active involvement with agencies such as the police or the IDVA or proof of an allocated support worker.

It will speed things up if you upload it with this form. If you do not have any evidence you can still complete this form.

If you are fleeing flood or fire we will need to see evidence to support this claim, such as an emergency services report or insurance documents. It will speed things up if you upload it  with this form. If you do not have any evidence you can still complete this form.

Do you have a safe place to stay tonight?
What date will you no longer have access to the safe space?

Do you have family or friends who are willing to accommodate you?

If you are making this referral between Monday – Friday 9am – 4:30pm please continue to complete this form and a member of our Housing Options Service will be in contact with you urgently. You do not need to call us. If you have not been contacted by 5pm and you have nowhere to stay please call 0151 233 3044 or freephone 0800 731 6844.

If you are making this referral outside the hours of Monday-Friday 9:00am-4:30pm, please do not continue with this referral. Please call 0151 233 3044 or freephone 0800 731 6844 immediately. If you do not call this number no action will be taken.

We will only be able to place you in emergency accommodation if you meet strict priority need criteria. Please consider all your options.

Applicant details

Given name

Family name

Can a valid form of ID be provided by you with this form or at a later date?

Accepted forms of ID include a driving licence, passport or birth certificate

Do you currently have an address?

This can be the place you are currently staying, such as the home of family or friends, even if you are not paying rent.


To enter an address outside Liverpool, use the 'enter address manually' option below.


Use the Lookup Postcode button to find the address.

If you cannot find the address, please enter it manually

What date did you move into this most recent address?

Please provide your UK addresses from the last five years, if available. This is only needed if you haven't lived at your current address for the last five years. Overseas addresses are not required.

To add another address, choose 'Add address'
Address (optional)

Use the Lookup Postcode button to find the address.

If you cannot find the address, please enter it manually

What date did you move into this property? (optional)

Add address

Do you have a contact telephone number?

(if different to above)

Is your mobile a smartphone?

The reason we ask this is because we can carry out assessments via video call. Don’t worry if you don’t have a smartphone, we can call you instead.

Should you require a housing needs assessment would you prefer
Do you require an interpreter?
Do you need

Please note if you require a face to face interview you may have to wait a little bit longer whilst we make arrangements to book you in.

A valid email address helps us contact you, but if you don’t have one you can leave this answer blank.

National Insurance (NI) numbers can be found on any benefit award letter or a wage slip. Please enter the number below and upload one of these pieces of evidence at the end of this form. If you cannot find the NI number enter NK below, but please be aware that Housing Options must have an NI number to provide support. You can also upload evidence after this form has been submitted.

Do any children stay with you on a regular basis who don’t live with you permanently?

An example of this could be your own child who regularly stays with you as part of an agreed arrangement but lives with their other parent permanently.

Details of children

To add details of another child, choose 'Add child'

Given name

Family name


(for example they stay with me 3 nights per week as part of a split custody arrangement)

Add child

Employment details

Are you currently employed?
Are you currently in receipt of any benefits?

Please include benefits that you jointly claim with your partner.

Please select any benefits that you are currently in receipt of

Select all that apply. Please include benefits that you jointly claim with your partner.

Is the above amount:

Please provide evidence of unemployment status at the end of this form. This could include an award letter, a screenshot of a Universal Credit journal or a bank statement showing Benefit payments.

In order to support your referral please provide evidence of your employment status on the evidence page at the end of this form. This could consist of a contact of employment or a recent wage slip.

Health, Disability and Special Needs details

Are you, your partner or anyone else in your household pregnant?


Please provide a copy of the MATB1 form on the evidence page at the end of the form. If this has not been issued yet, then any other medical evidence that confirms the pregnancy can be provided and the MATB1 form can be provided when it is available.

Do you consider yourself to have any health, disability or special needs?

Under the Equality Act 2010 a person is considered to have a disability if he/she has a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term effect on his/her ability to carry out normal day to day activities.

Health, disability or special needs

Select all that apply

Are you currently on any medication?
Do you currently have a social worker?
Do you qualify for Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payment (PIP) as a result of your disability?

(for example, fridge required for medication, ground floor required due to limited mobility)

You have stated that you consider yourself to have a health, disability or special need. In order for us to consider this as part of your assessment we will need to see evidence of this. This could consist of any of the following:

  • Active medical summary
  • Letter from GP
  • Sick note
  • Hospital Records
  • Prescription Details
  • Proof of DLA/PIP

Please provide this on the evidence upload page at the end of this form.

Nationality information

Please note that people from outside of the European Union and European Economic Area can be described as a non-EEA national.

Are you subject to immigration control or restrictions?
Do you have the right to work in the UK?
Have you been granted indefinite leave to remain in the UK?

You have stated that you have been granted indefinite leave to remain in the UK. As part of your assessment, we will need to see evidence of this. Please provide this on the evidence upload page at the end of this form. Proof can be immigration documents confirming positive refugee status or a passport.

Family information

Do you have a partner that you wish to add to this referral?


Are you and your partner married?
Is your partner in paid employment?

Please provide evidence of this on the upload page at the end of this form. Proof can consist of a wage slip or contact of employment.

Is your partner in receipt of any Benefits?

You have stated that your partner is either in paid employment or receipt of benefits. As part of your assessment, we will need to see evidence of this. Please upload this on the evidence page at the end of this form.

Does your partner have any support needs that we should be aware of?
Is your partner subject to immigration control or restrictions?
Does your partner have the right to work in the UK?
Has your partner been granted indefinite leave to remain in the UK?

You have stated that your partner has been granted indefinite leave to remain in the UK. As part of your assessment, we will need to see evidence of this. Please provide this on the evidence upload page at the end of this form. Proof can be immigration documents confirming positive refugee status or a passport.

Do you have any children that reside with you permanently?

Details of children

To add details of another child, choose 'Add child'


Add child

Section 21 or a Section 8 eviction notice and rent arrears details

Have you received an eviction notice from your landlord?

This will be a letter clearly labelled as a Section 21 or Section 8 notice.

In order to support your assessment, you will need to provide evidence of this. Please upload a copy of the Section 21 or Section 8 eviction notice, and any additional letters/notices your landlord may have issued you regarding your eviction on the evidence upload page at the end of this form.

Does it state that the notice has been given under Section 8 or Section 21 Housing Act 1988?


Are you up to date with your rent?
Have you spoken to your Landlord regarding your Section 21/Section 8 notice?
Are you being evicted due to rent arrears?


Have you tried to come to a payment arrangement with your Landlord in an attempt to clear your arrears?
Are you in receipt of Housing Benefit or the housing element of Universal Credit?
Are you in receipt of a Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP)?

Cause of homelessness or soon to be homelessness details

You will need to provide evidence at the end of this form if evidence is available. Evidence can include formal documents or notices, informal letters or notes from family or friends confirming that they have asked you to leave.


Do you have an active Property Pool Plus account?

Chances of being rehoused are increased by placing the maximum number of bids in PPP per week and widening the geographical search. Housing Options can use this activity as evidence when they assess a person’s needs.

Do you give consent for the Housing Options Service to view and use this evidence?

It is important that you register for property pool as soon as possible. Once registered you should start actively bidding with immediate effect. You can improve your chances of being re-housed by placing the maximum number of bids per week and widening the geographical area you are willing to accept a property in.

You can register for Property Pool online by visiting liverpool.gov.uk and typing 'property pool' into the search bar.

Property Pool Plus banding will be evaluated following the conclusion of caseworkers’ inquiries. This can take up to 56 days.

Evidence and documentation

Please upload all your evidence here. If you cannot upload any of it now, please provide the evidence we have requested as soon as possible after you submit this form using our additional evidence upload link. You will find an evidence upload facility available on the Liverpool City Council website.

To upload multiple files for a particular question, hold 'Ctrl' (Windows) or 'Cmd' (Mac) when choosing which files to upload.

This can be a passport, driving licence or birth certificate

This can be an employment slip or benefit award letter

This can be a contract of employment or recent wage slip

This could consist of any of the following: award letters, screen shot of your universal credit journal, bank statements showing benefit payments

Evidence can be in the form of formal documents or notices or can be informal letters or notes from family or friends confirming that they have asked you to leave.

This can be a crime reference number, police report or any other evidence you have that shows you are fleeing domestic abuse

This can be an emergency services report, insurance documents or any other type of evidence that shows you are fleeing fire or flooding

Please provide a copy of the MATB1 form or any additional medical evidence that confirms the pregnancy

Proof could consist of any of the following: Active medical summary, letter from GP, sick note, hospital records, prescription details or proof of DLA/PIP

This can be Immigration documents confirming positive refugee status or a passport.

This can be Immigration documents confirming positive refugee status or a passport.

You have stated that your partner is either in paid employment or receipt of benefits. As part of your assessment we will need to see evidence of this. Proof could consist of any of the following: Wage slips, contract of employment, benefit award letters, screen shots of Universal Credit journal or Recent bank statements that show payments being made.

This should be a copy of your Section 21 or Section 8 eviction notice and any additional letters/notices your landlord may have issued you regarding your eviction.

Please provide evidence of rent arrears and any additional letters/notices your landlord may have issued regarding your eviction as a result of rent arrears.

Is there any reason evidence cannot be provided with this form or at a later date in our additional evidence upload link in the homeless section of the Liverpool City Council website?

Please note: If you have already told us that you are fleeing domestic abuse, cannot return home due to fire or flood or have nowhere to stay tonight, we will book you an emergency assessment without evidence.

You may still have to provide evidence later, but your assessment will not be delayed.

Housing referral declaration

I (we) declare that to the best of my (our) knowledge and belief the information I have given to Liverpool City Council’s housing department is correct in every detail. In submitting this application, I (we) give you my (our) permission for a doctor or other health professional to give information about me (or other), as far as the law allows. In submitting this application, I (we) give my permission for other internal departments or outside organisations to give you information so you can process my application.

I (we) understand that you will copy and use this form to get the information. I fully understand that I must inform Liverpool City Council’s housing department if my circumstances change, through advising, in writing, Liverpool City Council’s housing department of any changes. If prosecuted by Liverpool City Council and found guilty I understand I could be ordered to pay a fine of up to £5,000 and/ or a term of imprisonment


Demographic questions

Giving answers to the following questions is voluntary. However, they will help us improve our services and understand the needs of our community, in particular those who may face barriers to accessing support.

Your answers will remain confidential, be stored securely and will not be shared with anyone else.

Are your day-to-day activities limited because of a health problem or disability which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months (include any problems related to old age)? (optional)
If you answered 'yes', please indicate your disability

Before you submit this form please review your answers below. If you need to change anything, use the 'previous' button on the bottom left to go back to a section. Then submit the form by selecting the 'Submit button' at the bottom of this page