Make a complaint about a licenced premise


About you

Details of the person making this complaint


Use the Lookup Postcode button to find the address.

If you cannot find the address, please enter it manually

Licenced premises

Details of where the incident took place

Address of licenced premise (optional)

Use the Lookup Postcode button to find the address.

If you cannot find the address, please enter it manually

24 hour format (hh:mm)

Did the incident take place

Incident details

Incident details and which licensing objectives it relates to

Prevention of crime and disorder

Does the incident relate to the prevention of crime and disorder?
Have you reported the incident to Merseyside Police?

For incidents relating to crime and disorder, we strongly advise you to report them to Merseyside Police otherwise they may not be investigated.

Will you report the incident to Merseyside Police?

Public safety

Does the incident relate to public safety?
Have you reported the incident to Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service?

Prevention of public nuisance

Does the incident relate to the prevention of public nuisance?
Have you reported the incident to Environmental Health?

Protection of Children from Harm

Does the incident relate to the protection of children from harm?
Have you reported the incident to the Safeguarding Board?
Would you like to add any further information or upload any evidence such as photographs?

To upload multiple files, hold Ctrl (Windows) or Cmd (Mac) when selecting which files to upload.


Sharing your information with appropriate authorities

Depending on the nature of your complaint and the details you have provided, we may need to pass your complaint to a more appropriate service or authority for investigation under their legal remit.

If you do not want us to share details of your complaint with another service, we may not be able to fully investigate the complaint.

Do you want us to share details of your complaint with other services/authorities, if necessary, for a full investigation?

Before you submit this form please review your answers below. If you need to change anything, use the 'previous' button on the bottom left to go back to a section. Then submit the form by selecting the 'Submit button' at the bottom of this page