Occupational Therapy request - relative, friend, carer or advocate


Referrer details

About you, the referrer

Have you gained the consent of the person you are referring?

E.g. relative, carer, advocate

Who shall we contact if we need to do a telephone assessment?

Service user details

About the person you are referring

e.g. Mr, Mrs, Dr


Use the Lookup Postcode button to find the address.

If you cannot find the address, please enter it manually

Occasionally we use technology such as Skype and WhatsApp as part of the assessment process. Does the person you are referring or their family or friends have access to this technology?
Do they receive any of the following benefits?
Do they currently receive any support from a social worker, physiotherapist, community occupational therapist, the incontinence service, or an NHS community occupational therapist?

Medical and property details

About their medical or health conditions

Please do not use abbreviations

About their home

Is their property a
Is their property
Do they live
Are they hoping to move?

Assistance needed

What do they need help with?

Tell us they you need help with



Does their bathroom have
Do they use any of the following?

Access to property

How do they currently access the property?
Do they use any aids such as a walking stick or grab rail to enter and exit the property?
Please tell us what aids they use


Do they use any equipment or rails to assist them getting on and off your toilet?
Please select which aids they use
Please specify

Kitchen tasks

Can they carry hot drinks and meals safely from their kitchen area?

Bed or chair tasks

Do they need help getting in and out of a chair?
What type of chair seat do they use?
Do they use any equipment to help get out of bed?
Please specify

Additional information

Before you submit this form please review your answers below. If you need to change anything, use the 'previous' button on the bottom left to go back to a section. Then submit the form by selecting the 'Submit button' at the bottom of this page