Professionals: Refer a child missing education


Children missing education (CME) are children of compulsory school age who are not registered pupils at a school and are not receiving suitable education in another setting – either privately or at home.

When to use this form

Where there is a concern that a child’s safety or their wellbeing is at risk, it is essential to take action without delay – these cases  should be referred to Careline.

If you know of a child who is missing education please use this form to refer them to our CME Team for tracking and support.

Child/young person's details

Do you know the child/young person's current address?

Is the current address in the UK?

Is the child/young person on a school roll?

Do you know when the child/young person was removed from the roll?

Do you know the date the child/young person last attended school?

Does the child/young person have any Special Educational Needs?

Do they have a statement or Education Health Care Plan?

Is the child/young person looked after by the local authority?

Are there any known siblings of compulsory school age?

Please enter the details of any siblings of compulsory school age

Is the sibling missing/at risk?

Ethnicity - optional

Does the child/young person have any Special Educational Needs?

If yes, do they have a statement or Education Health Care Plan? - optional

Is the child/young person looked after by the local authority?

Add another sibling

Parent/Carer's details
Are there any parent/carer's details to be added?

Please give details of all known parents/carers
(if different from child/young person)
(if different from child/young person)
If English is not the parent/carer's first language, will be need to use the services of a translation if we visit them?

add another parent/carer

Other contacts' details
Are there any other contacts you have for the child/young person that might be able to assist in our enquiries? e.g. emergency contacts, grandparents etc.

Contact details

Add another contact

Referral details
Do you have written confirmation from the parents of the move within the UK?

Do you have written confirmation from the parents of the move outside the UK?

Do you have written confirmation from the parents of the move?

Have enquiries been made with the parent(s)?

Have enquiries been made with friends/family/teachers?

Have enquiries been made with professionals - eg social worker?

Has a home visit been carried out?

Is there involvement from Children Social Care?

Is there involvement from the Youth Offending Team?

Are there any risks we need to be aware of in carrying out a home visit?

Referrer's details

Before you submit this form please review your answers below. If you need to change anything, use the 'previous' button on the bottom left to go back to a section. Then submit the form by selecting the 'Submit button' at the bottom of this page