Appointment as Independent Person or Substitute Independent Person - Application Form

Personal and contact details

Use the Lookup Postcode button to find the address.

If you cannot find the address, please enter it manually

Your qualifications
Summary of experience
Relevant expertise/skills
Further information

References may be taken up for all applicants who are invited for interview

Your referees’ knowledge of you should be relevant to the person specification for the role(s) for which you are applying.

In submitting this application, I declare that:
  • I am not and have not during the past five years been a member, co-opted member or officer of Liverpool City Council;
  • I am not related to, or a close friend of, any member, co-opted member or officer of Liverpool City Council;
  • I have not during the last 5 years been a member, co-opted member or officer of Liverpool City Council
  • I do not have a public profile in party politics including a role on the management or selection committee(s) of a registered political party, nor have I been a candidate or canvasser for a registered political party at a local or national level;
  • I am not currently an officer or member, or co-opted member of any other relevant authority (this includes parish, district, county and unitary councils and Police and Fire Authorities), nor have been for the last five years;
  • I do not have an existing contractual or commercial relationship with Liverpool City Council; which could cause a potential conflict of interest.
  • I have not been convicted of a criminal offence (excluding minor traffic offences) in the last five years.
  • I have read the privacy notice attached to this Application Form.

View the privacy notice

Declaration agreement

Before you submit this form please review your answers below. If you need to change anything, use the 'previous' button on the bottom left to go back to a section. Then submit the form by selecting the 'Submit button' at the bottom of this page