Late application for Reception entry


School preferences

Details of schools in order of preference

Choose up to 3 primary schools in order of preference that you would like your child to attend in September.

We strongly advise you to state 3 different schools to maximise your chances of securing a place in a school of your choice.

Sibling details

Does your child have a brother or sister who currently attends any of your preferred schools?

Please give details


Add item

Child's details

Details of child starting Reception in September

Child's permanent home address

Use the Lookup Postcode button to find the address.

If you cannot find the address, please enter it manually

Is the child in the care of a local authority?
Has the child previously been in the care of a local authority?

We are required to give high priority to children looked after previously who are now adopted or have a residency or special guardianship order. Please provide supporting evidence below if you wish to be considered under this priority.

If needed, you can select multiple files to upload when the File Upload window appears.

To do this, hold down Ctrl and click on each file you want to upload to highlight it, and then press Open.

The maximum combined file size of all uploaded attachments on the form must not exceed 15 megabytes.

Does the child have an Education Health and Care Plan?
Do you want this application to be considered under exceptional social/medical grounds?

If needed, you can select multiple files to upload when the File Upload window appears.

To do this, hold down Ctrl and click on each file you want to upload to highlight it, and then press Open.

The maximum combined file size of all uploaded attachments on the form must not exceed 15 megabytes.

Parent/Carer details

Details of Parent/Carer making this application

Are you a member of a Service Crown or Crown Servant family, who is returning or moving to the address above to take up duties?

If needed, you can select multiple files to upload when the File Upload window appears.

To do this, hold down Ctrl and click on each file you want to upload to highlight it, and then press Open.

The maximum combined file size of all uploaded attachments on the form must not exceed 15 megabytes.

Are there any court rulings e.g. Specific Issues Order, that determines who has authority to state a preference for a school for this child?

If needed, you can select multiple files to upload when the File Upload window appears.

To do this, hold down Ctrl and click on each file you want to upload to highlight it, and then press Open.

The maximum combined file size of all uploaded attachments on the form must not exceed 15 megabytes.


If needed, you can select multiple files to upload when the File Upload window appears.

To do this, hold down Ctrl and click on each file you want to upload to highlight it, and then press Open.

The maximum combined file size of all uploaded attachments on the form must not exceed 15 megabytes.


By submitting this form, you agree to the following:

I understand:

  • the admissions process and I declare that the information given on this form is accurate and subject to verification.
  • that in the event of my preferred school(s) being over-subscribed there is no guarantee that a place will be available at that school for my child.
  • that the information provided on this form will be processed in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Regulations 2018.
  • information may be shared with other admitting authorities to ensure that parents / carers do not hold on to more than one offer of a place. The information may also be shared with any organisation legitimately investigating allegations of fraud, criminal offences or child protection.
Declaration agreement

Before you submit this form please review your answers below. If you need to change anything, use the 'previous' button on the bottom left to go back to a section. Then submit the form by selecting the 'Submit button' at the bottom of this page