Call for sites


Contact details

Contact details

Please provide your contact details and those of your agent (if applicable). Where provided, we will use your Agent's details as our primary contact. Whilst your personal details will be protected, the site details you submit cannot be treated as confidential.

Your details

Organisation address

If the address is outside of the Liverpool local authority area, please enter it manually.


Use the Lookup Postcode button to find the address.

If you cannot find the address, please enter it manually

Do you have an agent? (optional)

Your agent's details

Organisation address (optional)

If the address is outside of the Liverpool local authority area, please enter it manually.


Use the Lookup Postcode button to find the address.

If you cannot find the address, please enter it manually

Site details

Site details

Please provide the details of the site you are suggesting. If you are suggesting more than one site, please use a separate form.

Site address

If the address is outside of the Liverpool local authority area, please enter it manually.


Use the Lookup Postcode button to find the address.

If you cannot find the address, please enter it manually

Ordnance Survey Grid Reference

What is your interest in the site?

Please choose one

The site plan must be 1:1,250 or 1:2,500 in scale and show its precise location with site boundaries clearly outlined in red.

Proposed future use(s)

Proposed future use(s)

Please indicate the preferred use that you would like the site to be considered for and also indicate any other uses you would consider acceptable, together with an indication of scale of development.

Preferred use
Alternative use(s) (optional)

Potential capacity

Site ownership

Site ownership

Do you know who owns the site?

Details of owner(s)

Owner details

To add another owner, choose 'Add another owner'
Address (optional)

Use the Lookup Postcode button to find the address.

If you cannot find the address, please enter it manually

Has this owner indicated support for the proposed development? (optional)

Add another owner

Market interest

Market interest

If you are suggesting the site for development, what level of market interest from developers does the site have? (optional)

Tick all that apply.

Please state how relevant this is to the site's proposed future use(s) and the date that the last interest was received.

Does the site benefit from planning permission (outline or full)? (optional)

Site conditions

Site conditions

Please tell us about the current condition of the site.

Is the site in active use? (optional)
Are there any buildings/temporary structures on the site? (optional)

Please take account of individual floors in each building.

No building/structures

This could include uses such as a car park.

For sites which are solely open land

A+B+C below should add up to 100%.

Not previously developed

Neighbouring site/land

For example, tell us if it's residential, industrial or agricultural and give a brief description.

Constraints to development

Constraints to development

Please tell us about any known constraints that may affect development for the proposed use(s) (optional)

Check all that apply. We will make our own assessments on these matters but your information will be a useful starting point to assessing the site.

Land contamination

Confirmed by professional study or by service provider? (optional)

Land stability

Confirmed by professional study or by service provider? (optional)

Mains water supply

Confirmed by professional study or by service provider? (optional)

Mains sewerage

Confirmed by professional study or by service provider? (optional)

Drainage, flood risk

Confirmed by professional study or by service provider? (optional)

Electricity supply

Confirmed by professional study or by service provider? (optional)

Gas supply

Confirmed by professional study or by service provider? (optional)


Confirmed by professional study or by service provider? (optional)


Confirmed by professional study or by service provider? (optional)

Ownership, leases

Confirmed by professional study or by service provider? (optional)

Ransom strips, covenants

Confirmed by professional study or by service provider? (optional)

Habitats or wildlife

Confirmed by professional study or by service provider? (optional)

Other constraint

Constraint details

To add another constraint, choose 'Add another constraint'
Confirmed by professional study or by service provider? (optional)

Add another constraint

Upload documentation

To upload multiple files, hold 'Ctrl' (Windows) or 'Cmd' (Mac) when choosing files to upload.

Site availability

Site availability

If proposed for development, please indicate when the site may be available.

Excluding planning policy constraints (e.g. Green Belt policy), when do you believe the site could be available for development? (optional)

To be immediately available, a site must be cleared, unless it is for conversion.

Please detail the constraint(s) or delaying factor(s) and the actions necessary to remove them:

Any other information

Any other information

Please tell us anything else of relevance regarding the site, if not already covered above.

To upload multiple files, hold 'Ctrl' (Windows) or 'Cmd' (Mac) when choosing files to upload.

Data Protection

We need your permission to hold your details on our database.  We process personal data as part of our public task to create planning policy in the city and will retain this in line with our Information and Records Management Policy. For more information on what we do and on your rights, please read the Council's privacy notice and general data protection advice on the Liverpool City Council website.

Data protection agreement

Before you submit this form please review your answers below. If you need to change anything, use the 'previous' button on the bottom left to go back to a section. Then submit the form by selecting the 'Submit button' at the bottom of this page