Contact details
If the address is outside of the Liverpool local authority area, please enter it manually.
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Site details
Please provide the details of the site you are suggesting. If you are suggesting more than one site, please use a separate form.
If the address is outside of the Liverpool local authority area, please enter it manually.
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Proposed future use(s)
Please indicate the preferred use that you would like the site to be considered for and also indicate any other uses you would consider acceptable, together with an indication of scale of development.
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Site ownership
Owner details
To add another owner, choose 'Add another owner'
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Add another owner
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Site conditions
Please tell us about the current condition of the site.
A+B+C below should add up to 100%.
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Constraints to development
Constraint details
To add another constraint, choose 'Add another constraint'
Add another constraint
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Site availability
If proposed for development, please indicate when the site may be available.
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Before you submit this form please review your answers below.
If you need to change anything, use the 'previous' button on the bottom left to go back to a section.
Then submit the form by selecting the 'Submit button' at the bottom of this page
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