1Section 1 2Section 2 3Section 3 4Section 4 5Section 5 6Section 6 7Summary Progress Section 1 Before you begin Please note: Businesses employing less than 10 FTE or greater than 249 FTE staff are not eligible to apply. The maximum combined file size of all uploaded attachments on the form must not exceed 18 megabytes. Please ensure the files you upload fit within this limit, otherwise your application may not be submitted correctly. If the combined size of the files you have prepared exceeds this limit, you may submit certain additional files (e.g. lease agreements) via email once you have completed the application form. The additional files must be submitted by 5.00pm on Friday 12th November 2021 or your application will be deemed to have lapsed. The application process is now closed, and this form cannot be submitted. Please do not proceed with your application. Business details Name of business Date business was established Complete all which apply from the number fields below. Companies House Number (optional) Date of Incorporation (optional) Partnerships/sole traders UTR number/s (optional) Care Quality Commission registration number (optional) Ofsted registration number (optional) The Registered Charity Number (optional) VAT Number (optional) Address of the business premises Does your business operate from premises in other Local Authority areas? Yes No (Please Note: Eligible businesses are limited to one grant for the business, NOT for each location. If you have more premises in the Liverpool City Region, you must apply to the Local Authority where the highest number of your employees (FTE’s) are based, if that is Liverpool please continue) Address line 1 Address line 2 Address line 3 Postcode List other locations and addresses in LCR (if applicable) (optional) Contact details Please provide the contact details of a director of the company/registered charity or details of the partners if the business is not a limited company. Contact person Telephone number Mobile number Email address Confirm email address Additional contact person details Add details below. To add details of an additional partner, click 'Add'. Contact Person (optional) Telephone Number (optional) Mobile Number (optional) Email address (optional) Confirm email address (optional) Add item Website address (optional) Trading details Describe the nature of your business Please choose sector -- Please Select -- A: Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing B: Mining and Quarrying C: Manufacturing D: Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply E: Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities F: Construction G: Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles H: Transportation and Storage I: Accommodation and Food Service Activities J: Information and Communication K: Financial and Insurance Activities L: Real Estate Activities M: Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities N: Administrative and Support Service Activities O: Public Administration and Defence; Compulsory Social Security P: Education Q: Human Health and Social Work Activities R: Arts, Entertainment and Recreation S: Other Service Activities T: Activities of Households as Employers; Undifferentiated Goods-And Services-Producing Activities of Households for Own Use U: Activities of Extraterritorial Organisations and Bodies I confirm that the business was trading on or before 01 April 2021 Yes No I confirm that that business is still trading now Yes No Trading evidence: Please upload a recent utility bill dated within the last 3 months, showing business name and address (gas, electricity, water, telephone, broadband, but please note mobile phone bills are not admissible). Upload utility bill If your business was not trading on or before 01 April 2021, then you are not eligible to apply for the Trading on Scheme. If your business is no longer trading, you are not eligible to apply for the Trading on Scheme. Bank account details This account will be used for payment of successful grant applications Name of bank Name of bank account holder Account number Sort code Statement details Please upload three months of the latest full business bank statements. The details must match the name and address of the business on the business rates bill, utility bill and lease/rental/mortgage agreement. It must clearly show name of the bank account holder, sort code, full account number and business transactions. Upload statements You can select multiple files by holding 'Ctrl / Cmd' and clicking on each document when the file selection window appears. No information is required, please proceed to the next page. Section 2 Employees To be eligible to receive this grant, the business must employ between 10 and 249 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Employees globally, working at least 35 hours per week and are on payroll (sub-contracted staff are not counted towards the headcount). A staff member working 35 hours is classed as 1 FTE A staff member working 70 hours per week would still be classed as 1 FTE Part-time staff can be aggregated for example: 2 part time staff working 21 hours each would be the equivalent of 1.2 FTE 3 part time staff working 7 hours per week would be the equivalent of 0.6 FTE Please note: Businesses employing less than 10 FTE staff or greater than 249 FTE staff are not eligible to apply. How many staff (FTE) does the business/group employ globally? How many staff (FTE) work in the Liverpool City Region (Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St Helens and Wirral)? How many staff (FTE) does the business/group employ in Liverpool? Please upload HMRC Real Time Information/PAYE records below for all staff who work in the Liverpool City Region for the month of September 2021, highlighting those staff working in Liverpool City Region.Please Note: The accountant must verify the number of staff working in Liverpool City Region as part of the accountant’s letter. Upload document No information is required, please proceed to the next page. Section 3 Property Costs Your business must provide appropriate evidence of commercial property costs. Total annual property costs across the Liverpool City Region should be included in the application. NOTE: Businesses without commercial premises are not eligible to apply for this grant. Annual Property Costs: Please upload a signed commercial lease(s), license(s), rental agreement(s) or commercial Mortgage(s), showing business name, address(es) and annual property costs. If you pay business rates, also include the annual costs. Description of property and associated costs Please describe the commercial premises occupied by the business (e.g., light industrial unit of x,000 sq. ft.) Do you pay business rates on the property? Yes No Business rates number(s) Please enter total business rates payable in 2021/2022 Upload business rates bill(s) 2021/2022 If you would like to upload multiple files, hold 'Ctrl / Cmd' and click to select each file you want to upload when the file selection window appears. Please enter total rent/mortgage/service charge costs per annum Upload full signed lease/rental agreement/s or mortgage statement/s (optional) Please note, if your signed lease/rental agreement/s or mortgage statement/s are large files, we can accept submission via email once you have completed your application form. The additional files must be submitted by 5.00pm on Friday 12th November 2021 or your application will be deemed to have lapsed. No information is required, please proceed to the next page. Section 4 Financial loss due to COVID-19 Please provide a FULL DETAILED DESCRIPTION of the severe impact that Covid 19 has had on the business. As well as the financial impact (loss of turnover and income), this could also include supply chain, staffing, safety measures, health & wellbeing for example. Description of impact What is your specific financial loss (£) in income/turnover in monetary terms over the comparative period covered by the evidence supplied below? These figures must match the figures provided in the accompanying accountant’s letter. Financial loss (£) Comparative Evidence Please select the comparative period for which you are evidencing financial loss Only submit evidence for one option below. These figures must match the figures provided in the accompanying accountant’s letter. Income/turnover July to September 2019 (Period 1) compared to July to September 2020 (Period 2) Income/turnover October to December 2019 (Period 1) compared to October to December 2020 (Period 2) Income/turnover January to March 2020 (Period 1) compared to January to March 2021 (Period 2) Income/turnover April to June 2020 (Period 1) compared to April to June 2021 (Period 2) Income/turnover Period 1 compared to Period 2 (For those not trading for a sufficient length of time, two comparative periods over the past 18 months - input two comparative periods that clearly show the impact of Covid.) Period 1 from selection above (£) Period 2 from selection above (£) Please upload completed Accountant's Letter template Please upload financial appendices (for example management accounts) and corresponding evidence No information is required, please proceed to the next page. Section 5 Previous Grants Please confirm if the business has received any of the following grants during the pandemic. For each grant, if you have received the grant, enter the value received in the corresponding box. If the business has not received a grant, leave the box blank. Hospitality and Leisure Grant (HLG) Round 1 - October 2020 (optional) Hospitality, Leisure and Retail Grant Extended Scheme (HLRGES) Round 2 - December 2020 (optional) Top Up January 2021 - January 2021 (optional) Local Business Support Grant (LBSG) Round 3 - March 2021 (optional) Additional Restrictions Grant Top Up – May 2021 (optional) Restart Grant - June 2021 (optional) Local Restrictions Support Grant Closed and Christmas support payments - 2021 (optional) Small Business Grants Fund (SBGF) - August 2020 (optional) Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Business Grants Fund (RHLGF) - August 2020 (optional) Local Authority Discretionary Grants Fund (LADGF) - August 2020 (optional) Amount of loan funding the business has accessed via government backed COVID schemes e.g. bounce back loan, Coronavirus business interruption loan scheme (CBILS) (optional) No information is required, please proceed to the next page. Section 6 Declaration Declaration I confirm that, in accepting this grant, the business will remain below the relevant subsidy allowance threshold. Before confirming this please read Section 7 of the Guidance Notes I confirm that all of the information provided in this application is accurate and true and that I am authorised to submit this application on behalf of the business named in section 1 I confirm that the business was established and trading on or before 01 April 2021 I confirm that the business is viable and trading now I confirm that the business has between 10 and 249 Full Time Equivalent employees; and I confirm that the business has either a turnover of up to 50 million Euros and/or a balance sheet total of up to 43 million Euros I confirm that the business is only applying for ONE Trading On Scheme grant I confirm that this business is not in administration, nor insolvent; I also confirm, that the business does not have a striking-off notice against it I confirm that I am not a disqualified Director nor am I subject to fraud investigations, nor have I been found guilty of improper business activity or similar I agree that by making this application the business will abide by all of the terms and conditions of grant outlined in the accompanying Terms & Conditions I acknowledge that it is a criminal offence to make a misrepresentation and that such a misrepresentation could lead to prosecution Please tick to confirm that you understand that grant income received is taxable and therefore funding paid under the Trading on Scheme is subject to tax (only businesses that make an overall profit once grant income is included are subject to tax) I accept that the Local Authority reserves the right not to make funding awards to organisations if it believes that doing so may bring the Council into disrepute. I permit the Council to share this information for the prevention and detection of fraud A clawback arrangement will be made to recover funds that are paid out incorrectly I have read and understood the Council’s privacy notice Click here to view our Terms & Conditions Click here to view our Privacy Notice You must confirm all of the above declarations are correct in order to submit your application. Name Position in Organisation The application process is now closed, and this form cannot be submitted. Please do not proceed with your application. No information is required, please proceed to the next page. Before you submit this form please review your answers below. If you need to change anything, use the 'previous' button on the bottom left to go back to a section. Then submit the form by selecting the 'Submit button' at the bottom of this page Loading form summary...